I hope this article Why Simplifying Your Life is Your New Weight Loss Plan can add to your knowledge when you need a healthy life.
I used to be all about the hustle and bustle. I had to be constantly busy as if it were some sort of award. As If I was not busy I was not important.
After having two babies now my life has gotten even busier and at one point I took my busy to the level of becoming chronically stressed.
That stress resulted in a whole other host of health problems, which I'll share more about in a minute.
Did you know that stress is one of the biggest contributors to unhealthy gut flora, weight gain, disease, mental health problems and even divorce? In fact, I even tell my clients if they are chronically stressed they will likely not see results in any program they do. That is how detrimental stress can be on your health.
When I realized how bad this busy habit had gotten for me I knew I had to slow down. I started focusing on getting as much sleep as possible and cutting A LOT of clutter and added responsibilities out of my life.
Now I focus only on the things that bring me peace. ... God. My family. My health. And my passions.
Sometimes mama you have to say NO to good things so you can say YES to the best things.
If you are chronically stressed I urge you, PLEASE slow down before it impacts your health and ultimately your family.
I know you don't totally believe me. You think you can keep going at a rapid pace, sleep just a few hours a night and you feel totally fine right?
That's what I thought too. Until, years of neglect, chronic stress, overworking and sleep deprivation caught up to me.
FOR YEARS I did not sleep much. I knew it was advised to get 8 hours of sleep at night but and so I'd try for a bit maybe a week or two but every time I would come to the conclusion that I just DIDN'T need it. I was different. My body could function just find off of 5 hours. I was more productive and just said, I do not feel tired, so it must be fine for me.
It was not until after years of neglecting sleep that I started to notice the symptoms of my neglect. I was unusually gaining a bit of weight. I could not remember even the simplest things. I was forgetting everything (even more than usual).
I had EXTREME brain fog. I would forget a word mid-sentence or lose my train of thought. My husband would remind me of a conversation we had just the previous day and I had ZERO idea what he was talking about. I was having major mood swings and would get frustrated with my kids constantly.
At first I chalked it up to mombrain/momlife until it just kept getting worse. And then, I realized the biggest limiting factor for me when it came to health was sleep. I was not different than anyone else and because I had neglected my sleep for so many years - my brain was literally deteriorating and so was my health because of it.
And when it really started impacting my relationship with my husband and how I interacted with my kids I knew I HAD to change.
Now listen up - this didn't happen because I wasn't eating well. This didn't happen because I wasn't exercising. In fact, I was exercising 6 days per week and eating the healthiest I ever had in my life. It happened because I had WAY too much stress and way too little sleep.
When I finally realized that was the moment I HAD to have determination, stop making excuses and finally change my habits and thought processes around sleep and stress.
A few things I did to simplify my own life and de-stress ...
- commit to daily prayer and meditation
- Only check social media 1x per day
- Slow down work responsibilities
- Get groceries delivered
- hired a housecleaner
- stopped saying "yes" to everything
- make sleep a priority
- De-cluttered my home so my spaces were more simplified
I have more energy
I lost weight
I have more mental clarity
I have better focus
And ultimately I am healthier!
One of the first steps I took was to de-clutter my home (I'll share more on this in another blog). Why? Because I wanted to feel more at peace in my space. I wanted my home to give me peace of mind and not constant chaos.
The hustle and bustle can be tempting but having peace and true happiness is SO much better. Not only will it help you feel better but it will help you to re-wire your stress hormones that are causing you to gain more weight.
I want you to think long and hard. What's one way you can de-stress and simplify your life TODAY?
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